CHBP Federation Strategy Pupil Premium Information 2022-2023
The Government give schools an amount of money (known as the Pupil Premium Grant) to support disadvantaged pupils. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not achieve as well as other pupils.
Disadvantaged pupils are those who:
- Are eligible for free school meals, or have been eligible in the past 6 years (including eligible children of families with no recourse to public funds).
- Have been adopted from care or have left care.
- Are looked after by the local authority
We recognise that nationally the COVID-19 pandemic has further widened the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers. The Education Endowment Fund 2020 Rapid Research: Impact of Lockdown on the Attainment Gap report indicates that rigorous and sustained support will be essential for disadvantaged pupils to catch up with their peers. In light of this, we will be redoubling our efforts to make sure that we provide rapid, targeted and highly effective support to all our pupils, particularly those who are most vulnerable.
Please click on the link below for our Pupil Premium Strategy. This documents sets out:
- What we intend for all our pupils including those who are disadvantaged.
- How we implement strategies so that our intent is realised.
- How we will use our pupil premium funding allocation this academic year.
We are committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, are able to fully and equally engage in all aspects of school life. Nurturing and safeguarding children’s wellbeing, inclusivity, and working in partnership with parents and carers, is the foundation for all our work at the Church Hill and Brunswick Park Federation. Every child and family is important to us. We are guided by our six school values. These are: friendship, courage, kindness, determination, respect and tolerance.
We want our children to leave us as happy, confident and committed to using their talents to make a positive contribution to the world around them. We are also committed to supporting all children to reach the highest academic standards possible. We want all our children to know that we have high ambitions for them and that they can succeed with the right support. We want all children to experience moments of WoW moments and have authentic audiences that fire their determination and love of learning and with access to a wide range of enriching experiences and development of lifelong skills.
We recognise that within our school some pupils will be disadvantaged and face greater challenges and barriers to high levels of wellbeing and academic achievement than others. These may or may not be pupils who are in receipt of the pupil premium, and not all children in receipt of pupil premium will necessarily be disadvantaged. Therefore, we will use the resources available to us to target those pupils who are most in need.
Implementation Statement
Research evidence shows that the quality of teaching and learning is the most important factor in the achievement of all pupils. This is particularly true for disadvantaged pupils. Therefore, our primary focus for all our children including those who are disadvantaged, is that they are taught by highly skilful and knowledgeable practitioners who have an excellent knowledge of how children learn best. We constantly review educational research to ensure that our teaching and curriculum is research-informed. Our curriculum is carefully planned, sequenced and delivered. In addition to quality first teaching, we use assessment to plan interventions that give pupils further opportunities for reinforcement of learning. We rigorously monitor the impact of these interventions on pupils’ progress and attainment and adapt our approach in light of this where necessary. We work in close partnership with parents to support them to feel confident to further consolidate learning at home. Children’s mental health and wellbeing is supported through our curriculum and additional pastoral support as required. We facilitate a wide range of enrichment experiences both in and out of school. We work in partnership with families to improve and sustain high attendance, and support families who may be facing financial or other hardship such as bereavement or isolation.